Friday, February 13, 2009

Behold the $55,000 PC

Posted on 7:25 AM by Shujah Ur Rehman

Behold the $55,000 PCAn Amish PC might sound like a contradiction in terms, but Truvia can make one for you--provided you have $55,000 to spare.
The Redmond, Wash.-based start-up specializes in building high-end PCs into handcrafted furniture, everything from simple AmisThe trend is covering up and building in technology," said John Wojewidka, a veteran of the custom PC business who started Truvia in response to growing demand for PCs that didn't look like PCs. "People don't want the technology itself to be the centerpiece of their living envirAfter several years of working with furniture makers and wood carvers on one-off projects, Wojewidka decided there was a need for a systematic approach to custom-made desks that carefully conceal a high-end PC. The movement has attracted interest from companies such as Microsoft that are looking to popularize PCs as living room objects. onment." h and Shaker cabinets to ornate Louis XV creations

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